Parent Info

Parent Info


家长请阅读 a welcome letter 来自罗马校区副校长、院长兼主任. Peter Hatlie. We encourage you to explore the rest of the Rome website to learn more about academic, spiritual, 以及罗马校区的学生生活.


申请程序在每学年的一月份开始. 回顾需要什么 要申请罗马,请访问我们的 申请流程页面.

Please note it is a requirement that every student applying for Rome has a passport 在申请截止日期前交上来. 如果你的学生没有护照,他们 应该尽快申请,以免被列入罗马的候补名单.

The Rome Decision

Students who are unsure about participating in the Rome Program, whether for financial, 个人原因或其他原因,可安排预约. Davies to discuss 决定和/或可用的选项. 任何考虑入学的学生 should apply, since those who defer their application will definitely be placed on a waitlist. 由于在罗马开设的课程有限,所以组织好自己的课程是很重要的 如果一个人打算推迟罗马学期的学位计划.


The admissions process for Rome involves careful consideration of a student’s academic 进步,成熟,全面适应国外学习的严格. Students must have reached 18 years of age prior to the departure date for the program 有资格参加. 我们会看总绩点,尤其是在罗马之前的那个学期. Students must demonstrate their ability to carry five core courses heavily weighted in reading, 同时参加强制性和自愿性旅行.  纪律处分记录 evaluated. 学生有责任准确地通知罗马办事处 of any judicial or disciplinary procedures in which he or she has been involved in the past, or in which he or she may have become involved at any time during the Rome orientation process.

The Waitlist

Students may be placed on the waitlist for a variety of reasons, including a late or incomplete application (including failure to submit a photocopy of a passport valid at least six months after their return date); academic or disciplinary considerations; failure to attend required meetings or deadlines; or lack of space for all applicants to a given semester. 为了继续考虑, all waitlisted students are expected to attend all meetings and to meet all deadlines. Traditionally, the waitlist is re-evaluated after final grades are reported in May. Students will receive an update of their status in June if they are on the waitlist. The spring list will also be re-evaluated in October after midterm grades are posted 如有必要,在1月份学期的最终成绩公布后. Students in that situation (whose transcripts do not demonstrate the requisite GPA and are hoping to bring their GPA up the semester before they hope to go to Rome) might want to consider postponing their Rome participation until junior or senior year to avoid 最后一刻的不确定性和某些存款的可能损失.  


The semester prior to Rome participation there will be a series of mandatory orientation 学生会议. 为了让家长继续参与准备工作 and planning for Rome, our office will post information provided to students at our meetings on our orientation page

Please note that meeting deadlines and application requirements are the responsibility of the student. 家长将不会收到个别学生申请的最新资料 status. 对申请状态有疑问的学生应该安排一个会议 with Mrs. Davies.


It is important to evaluate whether a student’s health concerns can be adequately 我是在罗马严格的学习和旅行计划中认识的. 学生必须 provide full health information and to update the Rome office of any changes in health 出发前和出发后的状态.

Please bear in mind the following: students with a variety of medical and emotional 条件可以也确实可以去罗马. 许可不是基于没有条件, but on evidence that the condition has been stable for at least 4 months and will not interfere with the student’s successful completion of the physically, academically, 社交和情感上都很紧张的学期.

Full and accurate health information is vital to our being able to meet students’ 国外保健需求. 生活、旅行和保健条件与这些国家不同 in America. 此外,许多处方药在意大利和意大利都买不到 药物不能进口. Medical clearance is based on documentation that the student has obtained sufficient medication for the entire semester, and a physician’s verification that the student’s requisite treatments and accommodations have been stable for four months and will continue to be stable without adjustment for five months under the conditions abroad. A letter on physician’s letterhead stating that the medicine is for personal use, 翻译成意大利语,是意大利海关需要的. 如果你的孩子正在服药 对于慢性疾病, now is the time to contact the physician and insurance company to find out the procedure 以确保你们能获得四个月的供应. Any student with a history of asthma requiring an inhaler will be required to bring an inhaler to Rome. If a student does require medical attention overseas it will be necessary to pay out-of-pocket 并向你的保险公司寻求赔偿. 和医生预约 four to six weeks prior to departure to verify that all immunizations are in order. A list of required immunizations for Italy can be found at the Centers for Disease Control website /旅游/目的地/意大利.htm.

Costs & Fees

The Rome semester costs approximately $6,500 more than a semester on the Irving campus.  


Rome Fee: All students pay a Rome Fee, which covers the Italian visa fee, Italian public health insurance, Italian permesso tax, book rental, Orientation, local transportation in 罗马,并特快专递签证.

学费、食宿费:  罗马和欧文的学费是一样的. 罗马的食宿稍微便宜一点 比标准的欧文食宿要便宜. 欧文的通勤者将不得不考虑 在计算他们在罗马的费用时,额外的食宿费用.

Airfare: Students are required 和我们的旅行团一起去罗马旅行. 团体机票估计为1800美元 and will be added to studuents' tuition bills once pricing is confirmed with the travel agent.    

罗马项目旅行费: This fee covers the costs of faculty-led trips to such destinations as Assisi, Pompeii, 佛罗伦萨,威尼斯和希腊. 它还包括一日游的交通费 所有参观的博物馆入场费. 这笔费用将加到你的学费账单中 这学期这个学生去了罗马.

Spending Money: The amount of money your student will need for their study abroad semester depends 关于你的学生要去哪里旅行,他们想看什么,想做什么. 我们的办公室建议 学生们带来大约3500美元的零花钱.

Payment Procedures罗马大学的付款程序与欧文大学的不同. Students must either have paid their term bill in full or must have made payment arrangements with Student Account Services and be current with installment payments in order to receive 会计的批准. 有问题请直接问


The Alumni Relations/Advancement Office offer several scholarship opportunities for Rome students. 此外,学生可能会有校外奖学金机会 他们符合一定的标准. 我们鼓励有兴趣去罗马的学生 申请以下奖学金. 明尼苏达大学资助的奖学金申请截止日期为 4月为所有申请者. 这些奖学金申请由相关部门审查 scholarship officials and the Office of Financial Aid and are awarded based on varying 优点和需要的标准. 一些奖学金需要教师推荐. Outside 奖学金的截止日期和标准各不相同. Please visit 有关每个奖学金的更详细信息. 


There is a wealth of information on our website about everything from cell phones, 运输,住宿,打包什么,去哪里旅行. Final Packet documents that will address most of your questions regarding preparation for Rome as well as a semester calendar and helpful information from past Romers on planning 在意大利和欧洲各地旅游的网站上都可以找到 罗马出发前的步骤页面.